Line Clearance


Seismic Line Construction
Mulching is the preferred method of seismic line clearing, and in most areas it has a distinct advantage over conventional dozer line cutting. The phrase “low impact” takes on new meaning when you choose Command Equipment to mulch your 2D or 3D seismic project.

Narrow Seismic Line Construction
Command Equipment is able to mulch “hand-cut” lines; the result is a very low impact seismic lines and substantial savings in line cutting costs. Our narrow machines employ the same horizontal axis mulching concept as our larger machines, but within a narrow 1.75 meter package.

Land Clearing for New Oil Facility, Commercial or Residential Development
Our mulchers effectively, economically and environmentally dispose of unwanted tree growth from proposed development sites. We achieve this by felling, mulching and incorporating the mulch into the ground surface – all in one process. If desired, the mulch and organic soil created by the mulchers can easily be picked up by dozers or scrapers and stockpiled or composted.

Pipeline R.O.W. Clearing
Command Equipment has successfully accomplished several large pipeline clearing projects with excellent results and very positive feedback from our clients. Our ability to quickly mulch large stumps and post timber salvage debris provides a cost effective alternative to piling and burning. Mulching eliminates all risk of costly ground fires and produces a road made of wood chips that vehicles can drive on in any type of weather. Subsequent reclamation is easily achieved by rolling back stockpiled mulch on the completed pipeline right-of-way.